Miniterm day 1
Updated: Jan 4, 2018
Today is the first day of miniterm for the Sotabots. They all meet up at IDEA high school.The leadership team made an amazing pancake breakfast for the team. They spent the morning learning about kick off and about each other. After lunch they got back together to set norms for the team. Around the end of the day they separated into sub teams. The awards team our working on editing the chairmans essay. Build team are teaching the new comers how to use the machines such as the mill, drill press and many others. Media is working on taking photos and videos of the team for documenting miniterm and fro the chairman's video. Outreach is working on sending emails to schools about volunteering. Programing is working on teaching and using robot java and the programs they will need to download. Public relations is working on reviewing last years fundraiser. They are also working on plans for bag and tag. Scouting is working on a app to help then during competitions. During winter break a group of teens from the team went and pitched to Bill Rosling director of warehouse operations at Port logistics Group. Mr. Rosling was very excited to help with team 2557.
